This is where we live

After dinner the interns in walking distance filtered into our humble abode. When we first realised we were staying here Sam and I, perfect stranger, hi-fived one another, it was nice. An experiment in a double storey city dwelling it had radiant slab heating, a double height courtyard and most importantly running water which we were told people in “the Pods” lacked. Ground floor and first both had a bedroom/kitchen and after some tossing of furniture between the levels a little table each. The four of us had leisurely lunches together being only a minute from site and we could here Jason strumming his guitar upstairs most night.
Most importantly there is a double height cistern system that was running low after a dry spell. Important because when a water delivery truck showed up they weren’t familiar with the system. Water began spilling across our kitchen floor and it was then with mop in hand that I got my first and perhaps only encounter with the great man of mystery Michel Reynolds. His first words to me were something like “we F@#$ed up”, then they did some tinkering and the tide receded.

This is absolutely incredible and spectacular. I love it…those bottles, wow!
Thanks for your comment Jane. The bottles are so pretty, I can’t wait to use this idea at home!
The bottles are beautiful but I now have some ideas with all those beer tops!
Hehe looking forward to see what you come up with
This is incredible! I have been researching earthships because I have been wanting to build one for years. I absolutely love the bottle work! I have been saving all the blue bottles I can!
This is amazing! I’ve never seen a multi-level Earthship. I am wondering about the engineering of this… was it particularly difficult?