Portland, Oregon

Now I’m not going to lie to you, after we got the bikes back we definitely indulged in some chocolate pie. Then full to the brim we wandered around the arts district until a bus wound us homeward, to cat and chats with our hosts, Misha and Cade, and their neighbours around a backyard fire until the rain drove us to bed. Typical Portland.
A vintage shop on a double decker bus? Too cool. Go chat to Erin and her food van neighbour over a refreshing class of that delicious homemade lemonade whose secret ingredient is kept under mental lock and key. Behind the van is a “meat locker” where you can buy a special treat for that deserving dog in your life.
Random Order
I only recently discovered with much embarrassment that there is no such thing s a savoury pie in America. But these beauties are so good, and fantastic to share. While we ate a girl wrote a thesis beside us and at another table a girl with patterns shaved into her hair was sketched by another.
“Do you have any vegetarian pies?
“umm…(glancing at the display case of cream covered pies) I’m not sure apart from no meat what makes a vegetarian pie…”
Alberta Eyecare
For some reason i had it in my head that i would like timber sunglasses, but couldn’t imagine i could find them anywhere except on etsy, ah i shouldn’t have under estimated Portland. the first optometrist i set foot into had the very pair i wanted and made by someone down the street!