After an incredible lunch of beautiful curry, rice and roti and a quick swig from our personalised cups we set out to get this thing done!
We had reached that satisfying point where, the really hard slog finished, things began to quickly take shape. The paths greedily gobbled barrow after barrow of mulch and garden beds brimmed with compost and a lucky few got their comforting layer of mulch.
The poles for the espalier supports went in nice and deep. A young permablitzer observed the 700mm footings and wryly asked whether we were expecting a tropical cyclone. Our numbers diminished as the day drew to a close, but the few remaining were gifted for their dedication and got to watch Adam’s espalier workshop and have a nice cold beer. Or in my case greedily devour the remaining cheese and fruit salad.
It will be amazing to see when the garden is planted out and lush. Perhaps with some mechanical help those palm roots can be put in their place and the pond canbrim with fishies and frogs. It was such an exciting experience to see our plans take shape. What a dedicated group of amazing workers!