First sunrise

If ‘little babu’ had woken us up at 5:30am at home ready to chat and play we would have been horrified. Down the coast however, it was a chance to head down to the beach to catch the sunrise.



A tiny fishing boat had also set out at first light and was setting anchor as we carefully descended the timber stairs to the beach. They pulled up their pots as Dylan set up his tripod. I sat on a dry rock with Ember on my lap and watched them pull up anchor and sail off into the golden path laid by the rising sun. Then we heard a bark and Nanny Annie and three boisterous dogs signalled the end of contemplation and the start of a fun filled day. 


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Sand through her fingers

Our winding trip down to the ocean Road is longest we’ve taken with bub. We emerged from the forest that she had already experienced when we visited St Erth to a new sight, the ocean. New to us too was the strange pink snaking colour that was circling the coastline from Lorne to Wye, some sort of odd algal bloom. I’ve heard it glow at night, so the world is not completely devoid of mysteries for us yet.


We waited until the sun was heavy in the sky, the rockpools the perfect temperature for little bottoms. We dug Ember a little hole in the sand so she could sit up. I don’t think it will be long until she can sit up by herself, there is so much to look at for a little bub.

She was fascinated by the sand, the elusive way it ran through her fingers. She had the same serious look of concentration that bath time elicits. The cogs turning trying to understand solid, liquid and liquid like solids.

After a rough night sleep after the hectic Christmas, a relaxing day down at the beach was the perfect balm. Soothed by the ceiling fans whir she slept beautifully. The end of her extended four month sleep regression may be in sight!

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The West Coast



secret treasure


The leeward side is hotter and its bare slopes run a ragged course skyward with only spiky shrubs for company. It feels wild and lonely, but under its surface it hides little gems if you care to look. Our airbnb host took us on a whirlwind tour of her home, arms pointing out the car window as we followed behind making our own commentary in the car behind with our new upstate New York friends. The weather was wild and misty and rainbows blossomed from the fertile ground. Strange patterns in the grass gave it a sacred feel. My flip-flop (as I shall call them whilst in the States to avoid embarrassment!) fell to pieces on the rocks so Dylan piggy backed me back to the car laughing all the while.
The highlight was the secret turtle beach, reached by squeezing down a narrow path between two houses. Three massive sea turtles sun baked whilst local children ran riot around them. They just dozed, lifting their heads occasionally, almost too much for them as they dropped their draw to snooze longer. All the more magically because it felt so secret, so safe.
















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