Students loll all the way along the grassy river banks in a post exam haze. It’s easy to be nostalgic for those long afternoons chatting on university lawns, but the stress and drudgery of the earlier seasons still burn hot for me. After all here I am riding passed them along dappled tracks with flat bottom clouds hanging in a cobalt sky, post uni life ain’t so bad if you know how to live it.
We come across an allotment garden full of flowers and overgrown with grass. I wonder if we’ll be apartment dwellers with a garden like this or country bunnies in the next few years.
At Jay’s sisters, Dylan is training the kids to be running stars. Barefoot they race up and down the street. Their competitiveness sees Dylan trapped with stop watch in hand as they try to shave off a second to emerge victorious. the youngest wanders away to find a ball, as his little legs can’t compete with his sisters. Then a bath is run and we leave the sun to set on brick walls and rambling roses.

1 Comment
Hello! That vegetable garden is just picture perfect isn’t it? Love it! Those ducks are beautiful too. I get the feeling whether you are an apartment dweller or a country bunny you will be growing or producing wonderful things.