Come celebrate with us!

I’ll be the first to admit that this was an outlet for a full blown girlish childhood relapse for the three of us, crochet flowers and jasmine wreaths and all, but despite this, even the gentlemen of the house had smiles on their faces, but this might have had more to do with the icy beers than the colourful paper lanterns. And a lapse of a day into shenanigans can be endearing, where as a lapse into hello kitty bedecked bedrooms would be far more alarming. Let’s all be greatful for small mercies people!
It was the perfect place for a party.
I was proud and delighted to see earthbag garden beds, so carefully crafted to create intimate spaces, being so happily used for a myriad of little catch ups and introductions. I hope a lot of new friends were made on the day and old ones strengthened.
Jess and Carly has to be shooed from the kitchen to enjoy the day, but their efforts were appreciated by the masses. Mini quiches were washed down with pineapple punch and every inch of the house was decorated with flowers that looked amazing next to rainbow fruit skewers. My carefully monitored, food intolerance based diet, took a major fall when a chocolate mousse, dairy filled, sugar fueled, gluten glistening delight arrived, but if your going to fall you might as well fall gloriously like that! I’m only human!
More photos tomorrow, there were too many lovely ones for one post, stay tuned!
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