rocky beaches




Sat in an English living room, cats on laps having a good old chat about the tories with a cup of tea and Steven fry on the tele, oh so English. I love it!

In town the fog had settled in, a smear of blue a reminder of the day before. There were boring errands to run, but as a treat for lunch a veggie sausage roll, a pug roaming under my feet. Ah how I missed savoury pastry, now I had only to seek out a pastie and fish and chips to check off my final cravings. Vegemite? Nah don’t need it.

We rode/ran the beach promenade. I passed beach boxes, a putting green and at the end a small lake with windsurfers and a zip line for water skiing. I was rather pleased with myself when I made it home alone, not famed for my sense of direction, but Dylan eyes me from the balcony as my sense of time was still off 40 minutes becoming an hour, dinner was ready.

So comforting to come home to a home cooked meal, Louise and Simon really looked after us.




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