pascoe vale
permablitz design
design for food forest garden

When she approached us for a design we thought, this is what Permablitz is all about: helping people become more self-sufficent because they need to in order to survive. One day it might not just be those on a shoestring budget who find there is no other alternative but to grow their on food…
…until then people like Fuchsia will be the trail blazers who light the way in darker times.
So please join us on August 31st 2013 in Pascoe Vale for this exciting Blitz. Check out the Permablitz website for more details and email Fuchsia to let her know you’re coming! Like it on facebook to spread the word!
Pascoe Vale Permablitz Summary
Mandala, keyhole gardens for large crops, compost and chicken rotation to improve soil e.g. corn, potatoes, cucurbits, companion herbs surround
Bananas in mulch pit irrigated with grey water piped from house. Plants like banana and bamboo don’t mind wet feet.

Fuchsia has already done a lot of hard work in the garden, creating a beautiful pond which is the central element in our new design

Pascoe Vale Permablitz Summary Continued
Subtropical plants around mulch pit e.g. cardamom, galangal, curry leaf, tamarillo
Swale mulch path for pond overflow and natural site runoff collection to replenish ground water
Relaxation area/fairy garden
Understorey of forest garden – perennials, self-seeders, nitrogen fixers, bird and insect attractors, shade tolerant, ground covers, non-compacting root systems, fast growing
Support shrubs interplanting – nitrogen fixers to support nutrient hungry fruit trees e.g. acacia, tagasaste
Mulch paths for drainage and inhibits weeds, will breakdown after a year to form compost for fruit trees
Deciduous trees, pruned to be open allowing light to plants below
Propagation area & greenhouse/shade house on concrete north facing and close to house
Additional no-dig raised garden beds for intensive vegetable production close to house
Fox proof chicken house and straw yard 1m off boundary fence to comply with council requirements
Chook run 1m wide along boundary fence, planted with chicken fodder e.g. comfrey, nasturtiums, mugwort, wormwood
Forest garden incorporating existing trees, when garden is established selected trees will be removed
Berried and vines to grow on chook run fence and boundary fences e.g. raspberries, grape, kiwi, passionfruit
I see trees… loquats, figs… beautiful trees… good luck with your project!
Ooops, that ‘anonymous’ was me… Lrong from ‘Potager Y @ Japan’… cheers…
Thanks for both your comments LRONG! 😀 😀
How awesome! I love the title permablitz 🙂 Best of luck!
Thanks Tammy, Here is a link to the permablitz website http://www.permablitz.net/about-permablitz/what-is-a-permablitz/