Inside out cabin



Boulder, Colorado


The world whizzed by the bus window in a fog, snow climbing the glass until all was crystallised. Boulder was quiet, hands were gloved. We wandered down the shopping strip, finally tempted in by a family pizza place, pangs of home and Lygon Street: checked tablecloths and posters from the homeland. Sufficiently warmed and bellies full of pizza and cannelloni we braved the cold and caught a bus. A lady I could barely understand complimented my boots and then said she was 36 and had only just been able to get a pair of Australian Uggs. Now seated another lady asked me where I got my bag and then began to rant about how one day we would be able to teleport because we are all made out of atoms and alien visitors, the whole bus starred at their laps with smiles threatening to break into laughs. Public transport never fails to be diverting.

We landed at the bottom of a hill that went up and up, we took Reuben’s advice and thumbed a lift, he said if you can safely hitchhike anywhere it’s Boulder. A lady stopped straightaway, once again we were blown away with the generosity of strangers as she took us right to our door, she said she had been in our position before and had just been desperate for someone to help her out.

Who would have thought the first sign of spring we’d see would be inside a house. What seemed like an ordinary cabin was another world. A tree towering into a daylit courtyard, timber shingles and a stairway stepping around the stoned room and daffodils sprouting from crevices. I made friends with the cat, a purring affectionate feline who was served snow in a espresso cup and lapped it up. Our hosts were English climate scientists, researching climate change. Climate modelling from 9-5, the rest of the time scrambling, hiking, trail running, mountain biking, skiing; Dylan was right at home in Boulder.










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  1. What a dreamy place! Cat and all 🙂 So, you’ve got me really curious! Are you guys traveling around for projects, or leisure? What an inspiring life, beaming with beauty and adventure in every post!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment Jade, being on the road for so long it is nice to have the connection!

      We are taking 6 months to explore the world before returning to Australia where we want to put all our experiences into something meaningful, we’re not sure what yet! We are trying to do some interesting workshops along the way and gain skills we could not back home. Back home I’m a sustainable architecture grad and a permaculture designer, I hope to do some WOOFING in europe. we’re really relishing living more simply out of a backpack and are enjoying a world with fewer “things” in it, but full to the brim experiences and interesting people. At the moment we’re at Lake Tahoe and I’m busy scheduling posts for the next week as we’ll be hitting the road (train lines) again and setting up the tent. Thanks again for your interest, beautiful people like you are why i keep blogging. xox

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