Tomato pizza at the Wye River Cafe, the Otways

Handcut chips and aioli at the Wye River Cafe, the Otways

Rosella eating seeds at Kennett River, the Otways

Housemates koala watching, Kennett River, the Otways

Male koala on the prowl at Kennett River, the Otways

Koala acrobatics at Kennett River, the Otways

Lady Koala having none of it, Kennett River, the Otways

Parrot eating seed from our housemate's hand at Grey River, the Otways

We stopped for lunch at the Wye River Cafe for some overpriced deliciousness. The food is such a treat and all with that gourmet amount of oil and salt, that is enough to make you really unhealthy, but hidden under enough fresh veg and herbs so you think you can get away with no one noticing.

Sometimes I can’t help myself and and I surrender to my primitive urges to take photos of food, why does sunlight glistening on crystals of salted chips tempt me so?

We took our housemates to spot their first koala and we barely turned the corner into Kennet River when there was one right in front of our faces. It is kind of anticlimactic when there isn’t even the slightest bit of tree scanning. They were treated to said koala, a lecherous old man koala no doubt, trying to get some action from a lady koala demurely perched on a branch. She would have none of it of course and no amount of his grunting and grasping could sway her, the claws came out and after some shrieking he slipped and skidded down down down the trunk to lick his wounds. She sat arms crossed in disgust.

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