

Come celebrate with us!


In a week of downpours and plummeting temperatures the weather saved up its sunshine for Saturday, and well it should for it was the Spring Happiness Party at our sharehouse! We bade people leave their winter blues at the door and dress in their spring finery for a very special garden warming party. Almost two years since our Permablitz our garden was filled with laughter and the delicate scent of climbing roses and savoury treats. No one came dressed as a squirrel or possum, but a very busy bumble bee fairy made up for it.

I’ll be the first to admit that this was an outlet for a full blown girlish childhood relapse for the three of us, crochet flowers and jasmine wreaths and all, but despite this, even the gentlemen of the house had smiles on their faces, but this might have had more to do with the icy beers than the colourful paper lanterns. And a lapse of a day into shenanigans can be endearing, where as a lapse into hello kitty bedecked bedrooms would be far more alarming. Let’s all be greatful for small mercies people!

It was the perfect place for a party.

I was proud and delighted to see earthbag garden beds, so carefully crafted to create intimate spaces, being so happily used for a myriad of little catch ups and introductions. I hope a lot of new friends were made on the day and old ones strengthened.

Jess and Carly has to be shooed from the kitchen to enjoy the day, but their efforts were appreciated by the masses. Mini quiches were washed down with pineapple punch and every inch of the house was decorated with flowers that looked amazing next to rainbow fruit skewers. My carefully monitored, food intolerance based diet, took a major fall when a chocolate mousse, dairy filled, sugar fueled, gluten glistening delight arrived, but if your going to fall you might as well fall gloriously like that! I’m only human!

More photos tomorrow, there were too many lovely ones for one post, stay tuned!












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D.I.Y. Chalkboard Calendar

A D.I.Y. chalkboard calendar is the perfect winter activity, and you probably have the materials lying around already!

With rain falling outside and breath forming indignant clouds inside, winter is not a time for us to slow down, we might just freeze where we sit! That is how I found myself up a ladder one wintry morning paint roller in hand… some people might call me spontaneous, perhaps our new housemate considered it impulsive. But in the end it was a triumph in transformation!

Our shed overflows with old paint cans, boring whites, charcoal leftover from some craft activity or other, tiling grout and random rollers galour! I don’t think this is an uncommon sight, it’s a crafter’s goldmine!

Link to my inspirations one, two, three.


White interior paint
Black paint (interior or acrylic, any colour you like)
White tile grout
Masking tape
Containers with tight lids for mixing (1 per colour)
Stick to stir paint
Small roller or paintbrushes
Old sheets to cover floor to prevent splashes
Paint roller tray, any shallow flat container will do


Hover over to help shake the paint! 


That’s it, too easy! The only problem after I finished was realising I really didn’t have that perhaps my social life isn’t exciting enough to display at that scale!

  1. Cover floor with sheets and put masking tape on light switches, skirting boards and window jambs, anything you don’t want to get paint on.
  2. Masking tape the area you want for your chalkboard, I just did the whole wall because there was some unfortunate post party graffiti up there, you know the kind!
  3. Mix tile grout with white paint in a ratio of 1:8 (about 2 tablespoons for 1 cup of paint)
  4. I put both in a container with a tight lid and shake it like mad to mix it thoroughly.
  5. Pour this base coat into the tray and apply to the entire surface you want to cover with a roller.
  6. After this has dried layout your basic pattern in tape, as some lines will overlap you’ll have to do this in stages. If you are doing shades of grey like me you might want to layout all the white shapes first, then light grey and so on with black last. I didn’t do that, that was dumb!
  7. Mix colours/shades as for the base coat, just adding different ratios of black and white (or colour).
  8. If you don’t have many brushes start with lighter shades first and work your way up to black, to reduce time spent washing brushes between coats.
  9. Let it dry! Some people recommend sand papering it and conditioning by rubbing chalk over everything and wiping it off. I didn’t, I’m lazy that way!


Marking triangle locations by dangling a weighted string to line up the triangles.


Hover over to see before and after! 

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Starburst grannysquares and balls of secondhand wool
Dylan’s mum has a blanket, painstakingly crocheted by her granny from her grandchildren’s old jumpers, too worn to go through another cycle of unravel and reknit.
How beautiful imagining each colour having had so many different lives!

Cuddled up in the brightly coloured wrap, looking at rain putting a hold to my days adventures, I decided to be inspired rather than discouraged.

Winter gets into my bones, I hate it. In Melbourne it doesn’t magically float down over the land in delicate drifts, as I romantically (and probably erroneously) imagine it does in Europe and the Americas. Instead it splutters and it drizzles.

A pathetic
overcast sulker

that turns lettuces bitter without the payoff of a snowball fight montage!

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Chook rotation garden plans for different seasons

Watercolour garden plans

Close up of watercolour garden plan

2012 garden diary on homemade paper

Watercolour bean thank you letter

Watercolour calendar garden task list


The perfect summer weather is mocking me while I work, the upstairs study becomes a hot house, while I dream of being at the beach! This, my friends, is a lesson on the importance of passive solar design and insulation!

I have been wickedly slack with a hard drive full of Christmas photos to put up, but it’s funny how delightful things become a chore when there is an overwhelming number to go through and edit. Just wait until I have to clean my room or do something productive and I shall fill your lives with beach and Gracie dog and a little bit of David Holmgren too.

In the meantime I have been catching up on my thank you notes and garden diary. It’s amazing how much less work I’ve had to put into it since the Permablitz, when we had the chook rotation, the planning that had to go into the beds and planting and harvesting just at the right time was ridiculous. I’m all for the new chickens roaming the orchard in winter thing, now if only they could learn how to use their new Red Comb Chook Feeder…

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