Then there was that moment where I thought “oh I’d like a warm bed and shower now”, I think Dylan may have felt it too. We were back at badcall bay and the midges came early, biting dylan on every bit of bare skin. “oh, they don’t tell you ’bout the midges in the tourist brochures”, an Irishman in a pub had gleefully told us back in Sussex, now we knew what he was on about. There was a reason the fish were in a feeding frenzy.
For me it was the ticks, tonight we’ve tweezered the third out of my poor delicious skin. When I mentioned there were ticks, the builders cried “oh don’t get bitten you’ll get Lyme disease”, Dylan assures me builders think in worse case scenarios.
It’s beautiful here, but I have to admit to myself that it would be all the more scenic with a bed to ride home too. Perhaps we’ll save the camping for France. Oh well every adventure has to have its bumps, let’s see how we feel in the morning.
Actually it was a beautiful sunny day again, aside from the bugs I really shouldn’t be complaining. I’m slightly concerned about how much joy I get from watching livestock munching grass in a field, perhaps too much time with my own company!