Descending down to Kennett River, the Otways

Descending down to Kennett River, the Otways

Watching the ripples for trout, Kennett River, the Otways

Wading in Kennett River, the Otways

Fungi on branch, Kennett River, the Otways
As I sat daydreaming on a fallen log, dangling legs over rushing water, hours passed and the warm light faded and cooled. Little did I know that somewhere upstream those same rippling waters were casting a spell on my boyfriend and from that day onwards he would be a fly fisherman.
Moss and lichen on branch, Kennett River, the Otways

Fallen log over Kennett River, the Otways

Nettles crawling on fallen tree, Kennett River, the Otways

A tunnel made by tree trunks over Kennett River, the Otways

Shredded bark of fallen tree, Kennett River, the Otways

Red fallen leaves, Kennett River, the Otways

Fish in a net, Kennett River, the Otways

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